Polina Beliaeva

Full name: Polina Beliaeva
Language level: С1
Portfolio: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1pEdPozNWmDXjIeMF-q1Rv3vWh22Ewfsi?usp=sharing
Link to an Instagram account: polinabvva
Telegram nickname: @polinabvva

Price rate: Up to $500

Expertise and experience


Creating a layout in Figma — 100,00 $; Creating a landing page on Tilda — 250,00 $; Packaging a turnkey website (2−3 pages) — 500,00 $.

Expertise and experience

I graduated from Polina Nioly’s course "Little Designers", where I acquired all the basic knowledge and initial experience of creating both layouts in Figma and transferring ready-made layouts to Tilda using Zero blocks, configuring adaptation to mobile devices and basic, as well as step-by-step animation.

At the moment, I have created several landing page layouts that will be presented in my portfolio and each of which has been transferred to Tilda. One of them is dedicated to advertising a coffee shop, for which I developed a warframe, a prototype and a layout directly in Figma, after which I gradually transferred the elements to Tilda, set up basic animation, as well as adapting each block to 5 screen resolutions.
My other training project was devoted to the packaging of the product of a well-known Russian blogger and businesswoman — in my case, Margot Savchuk. For this work, I analyzed Margot’s visual and aesthetics, after which I began to select individual colors and fonts that would cause associations with her product. Next, I moved the layout to Tilda, added animation elements, and adjusted the adaptation for the mobile version. At the same time, I created a case for intensive packaging, which clearly shows the progress of my work.


1. Conducting a brief with the client (approving the type of site, as well as discussing the main goal);
2. Analysis of the client/organization's visual (selection of fonts, color palette associated with the organization/blogger, selection of references and their approval by the client, selection of necessary illustrations/photos) + analysis of the target audience;
3. Drawing a warframe, prototype, creating a layout in Figma;
4. Approval of the layout by the client (it is possible to make 3 significant edits for free, further — for an additional fee);
5. Transferring the layout to Tilda, setting up adaptation to the mobile version, connecting animation + setting up animation to the mobile version;
6. Verification of the operability of buttons, animations, the site as a whole, approval by the client of the finished product;
7. Publication of the website and its transfer to the client.


— wishes on the UI part (coloristics, typography), as well as on UX will be taken into account: the composition and location of UI elements will correspond to the necessary target action;
— an individual product style will be created;
— a website created on Tilda and published on the Internet.